Three questions to Johan Ek-Weis

Publicerat: 20 april, 2022

On Monday 25th of April graphene expert Johan Ek-Weis holds a webinar at 2D-TECH about SIO Grafen and how to bring 2D-materials from the lab to the industry.

1. What will the audience find out?

– That in Sweden, we have come far regarding 2D-materials. And that is partly thanks to SIO Grafen. When we started eight years ago, very few outside the universities had tried working with graphene. Now more than 200 Swedish organizations have been involved in a SIO Grafen-project, says Johan Ek-Weis.

2. How do you reply to those saying that 2D-materials are stuck in the lab?

– Thankfully, they are wrong! Today in Sweden we have a production capacity of over ten tons graphene per year. We see companies accelerating and applications coming along. Still, we need to keep working with important questions, as potential health hazards, standardization, characterization, but things are happening.

3. What is the best thing about SIO Grafen?

– We have done a lot with a little. We are the smallest of Sweden’s 17 strategic innovations programs, but still through collaboration and structure we have really improved the 2D business sector. Many small companies have started, and many established larger companies have explored the prospects of 2D-materials. But again, working with new materials takes time.

Five facts about the webinar

Title: Bringing 2D materials from the lab to the industry

Speaker: Johan Ek-Weis, PhD, project leader and graphene expert at SIO Grafen – the Swedish National Strategic Innovation Programme on Graphene.

Time: Monday 25th of April 15.00–16.00 CET

Organizer: The Vinnova Competence Centre 2D-TECH and the Graphene Center at Chalmers (GCC).

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