Warm welcome to Swedish Graphene Forum 9-10 October.
Here follows information on how to find the conference. We will be at Luleå University of Technology, please see addresses below.
✅ Study visit 10.00-12.00 on Wednesday 9 October. We meet at 09.50.
For you arriving early in Luleå and want to join the study visit we meet outside Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics TVM), E-building (Black house) entrance E-9 at 09.50.
✅ Arriving directly to conference Wednesday 9 October, registration starts at 10:00 and conference at 13.00.
The conference will be in LKAB-Salen, adress: Universitetsvägen 1, ground floor. For map, click here!
✅ Lunch Wednesday 9 October 12.00-13.00
If you arrive directly to the lunch we will be at restaurant STUK a few minutes’ walk from LKAB-salen.
✅ Programme
Read the full programme here!