Workshop ”Manufacturing of Graphene based Composites” 21-22 March (Öjebyn, Piteå)

The workshop is arranged by SIO Grafen in cooperation with Swerea SICOMP and will be held in English.

Date: 21-22 March 2018 (from lunch to lunch)
Where: Swerea SICOMP, Fibervägen 2, 943 33 Öjebyn (near Piteå).
Cost: Free of charge, 2 lunches and coffee included. Dinner 21/3 at Piteå Stadshotell is optional and at the cost price (självkostnadspris).
Travel grant (resebidrag)

The programme includes:

  • Results from the literature study about production metods for composites, Guan Gong, Senior Scientist, Swerea SICOMP. Read the literature study here>>
  • General discussions on the possibilities for continued financing of ”best practice” studies for the manufacturing of graphene composites. See the call (utlysningen) here>>
  • Graphene Composites – using 2-dimensional materials in a 3-dimensional world, Vincenzo Palermo, Professor Graphene composite materials, Chalmers and Vice-Director of the Graphene Flagship.
  • Design and manufacturing of Graphene Oxide reinforced high performing thermoplastics hybrid composites for Tribological applications, Prof. Nazanin Emami, Luleå University of Technology
  • Short presentations of other ongoing projects related to graphene Composites, Roland Kádár, Chalmers together with representatives from GKN

Some of the speakers

Download the Programme here >>

Hotel rooms

We have reserved hotel rooms at Piteå Stadshotell, Olof Palmes Gata 1, Piteå.  You can book a single room for 1249 SEK/night incl breakfast. How to book: Call 0911-23 40 00 or send an e-mail to: Booking code: SIO Grafen

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    Typ: Workshop

    Datum: 21 mars 2018

    Sista anmälan: 20 mars 2018