Nanoforum 2018 (Uppsala)

NanoForum 2018 – Where great minds meet

Sustainable Nanomaterials/Solutions, Life cycle impacts, New Business Models & the Nanotech Company of the Year Award. At NanoForum we create meaningful encounters around the most important topics for our future. With a highly relevant audience, including policy makers, investors, world class scientists and entrepreneurs, NanoForum is the most important meeting for the Scandinavian Nano community. Prepare yourself for a mind-blowing journey in the smallest of worlds. Join and benefit from the conference in several ways:

  • Get inspired on how to run your business most effectively by some of the best in the industry
  • Get a new outlook on sustainable solutions in Nanoscience
  • Find commercial partners for innovation
  • Expand your network and exchange ideas

As a member of SwedNanoTech, you get 50 % discount off tickets, as well as 50 % discount for all business members on a table at the Exhibition. Please contact for more information

See the full Programme and register here >>

Typ: Konferens

Datum: 23 oktober 2018


Extern arrangör: SwedNanotech och Uppsala Kommun