Flow processes during Composites manufacturing 30/5-1/6 (Luleå)

The 14th International Conference on Flow Processing in Composite Materials (FPCM-14) will take place 30th May – 1st of June 2018 at Kulturens Hus in Luleå, Sweden.

The conference is arranged by Luleå University of Technology and Swerea SICOMP AB. FPCM 14 is part of a series of conferences covering the science and engineering of composites manufacturing. It providing a forum for scientists, engineers and designers from both academia and industry to exchange ideas, propose new solutions and promote international collaboration. This coming conference will cover topics from the challenges of graphene as a reinforcement to large-scale processing for composites with complex structures.

Link to detailed programme >>

The registration closes 29/5 at 12:00.

Typ: Konferens

Datum: 30 maj 2018

Länk: https://www.ltu.se/research/su...

Extern arrangör: Luleå University of Technology and Swerea SICOMP AB