The program office supports you during the start of you project, for example by communicating about your new SIO Grafen project.
The program office supports you during the start of you project, for example by communicating about your new SIO Grafen project.
After Vinnova has informed the project manager about the result of the evaluation of proposals the program director will send a mail to all project managers with approved proposals. The project manager is welcomed to the program and informed about the services of the program office.
The Project summaries of all financed projects are publiced at, Projekt. Adjustments in the text can easily be done, just contact our communicator.
After publishing the Project summaries, our communicator will publish a press release via SIO Grafen’s Mynewsdesk acount. The press release often has a focus on one or two projects.
Posts on LinkedIn and Twitter are made with links to Projekt, and tagging all partners in projects.
The project portfolio is presented at different meetings by presenting a power point slide per project. The slide presents a future application of the project result, the project title and the project parnters. The slide is produced by the program office.
All project managers for the new projects are invited to a digital 2-hour meeting. The objectives of the meeting are to introduce the new projects for each other, and to present the program and program office to the project managers.
The invitation to the meeting is sent by mail.
Participation in the meeting is of course volontary.
Projects with more than one partner are obliged to have a Project agreement, stated in Vinnova’s general terms and conditions for funding. Normally the Project agreement should be signed by all partners latest the same day as the first status report is supposed to be delivered to Vinnova.
Since it takes time to get a Project agreement approved and signed by all parners we strongly recommend the project manager to start working on the agreement as soon as the project is approved.
SIO Grafen provides a template for Project agreements. But, the Consortia is totally free to choose wheather to use SIO Grafen’s template or use some other template. If you choose to use our template, please do all the alterations you would like to.