Sweden Innovation Days 2022


Under Sweden Innovation Days den 17-20 januari 2022 kommer SIO Grafen att medverka med en digital presentation där vi visar exempel på allt fantastiskt som händer inom SIO Grafens ekosystem.

Den 19 januari klockan 11.00 presenterar SIO Grafen.

Läs mer och anmäl dig gratis här!

Kontakta gärna Jon Wingborg som berättar mer.

Kort information om vad SIO Grafen kommer att göra:

🟢 Graphene in Sweden: From lab to industry through collaboration

An hour of graphene updates from Sweden, where SIO Grafen aims to take 2D-materials to the next level through collaboration and innovation. Via invited companies, SIO Grafen tells the story of how the Swedish market is gradually edging closer to the goal of becoming a world-leader in deploying graphene.

A mix of corporates and start-ups including ABB, Alfa Laval, Bright Day Graphene, Chalmers, Glenntex, Graphene Flagship, Graphmatech, Grafren, SHT, Wellspect and 2D fab will present their work with a brand-new material in a brand-new market. Together, we are taking a big graphene leap from lab to industry.

Typ: Digitalt möte

Datum: 19 januari 2022

Länk: https://swedeninnovationdays.s...

Extern arrangör: Vinnova